Sunday, 31 October 2010


Today has been an incredibly long day, maybe that was due to the time going back an hour and failing to remember to change it last night (silly me). It actually felt like I spent most of the time on Adobe Photoshop (which I did suprisingly) working on my moodboard and this has left me slightly behind (obviously) as I was planning on starting my designs today but unfortunately that did not happen. At least I managed to finish off my moodboard, that’s one thing I can tick off my list but still I have a long way to go. Maybe tomorrow I will complete an additional task to bring me right back on track with my action plan.

But for now..... since i've done so much work today (that's me trying to be sarcastic), it's time for me to go through my selection of films and decide on what i will be watching tonight? Hmm..

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